Cubian Debian on cubieboard

Donate cubian using github account Nov 10, 2013

If you like Cubian and want to make a donation. You can do it if you have a github eligible account.

A eligible github account is:

  1. registered before 1 MAY,2013
  2. has commited some code


  1. Open and Login with your github account.
    If you see You are eligible for one giveaway code, Just A few more steps… That means your github account is eligible to donate cubian, now go to step 2.
    If you see other than that, I’m still thanks for your kindness and effort. But you can’t donate cubian by this way.
  2. Please copy and paste ramPzfegGYq2aX1GU18B5JVGiYQTtWfhyz to the first text input box. This is a virtual address to recieve your donation.
    You can type anything to the passphrase fileds or just use the random one. it’s not important at all.
  3. Click Get your code, then you will recieve a giveway code. You can send this code to e-mail address
    The code doesn’t contains any privacy information and it is binded to the reciever’s address. So, you can simply leave a comment contains the code to this article if sending an email is not easy.

About Ripple

Ripple is a new virtual currency trading system. I will recieve 2020 XRP from each donation thus a giveaway code. It worthy about 15USD at current marketing price.