Cubian r6 for A10 and r3 for a20 released Nov 08, 2013
Cubian is a battle tested os on cubieboard now, just look at the issue tracking system. Clean and simple are its philosophy.
This release contains the following features, I hope you enjoy it:
- Kernel upgrade to 3.4.67+ which is the latest one at current
- U-Boot is upgraded to speed up the booting process
- More wifi modules supports
- Preinstalled Ajenti, a web administration tool
- Preinstalled udevil
Load average in idle state is very nice.
Ajenti web control panel. The login credential is root:admin.
Notice: As you can see the free space is only 26MB, I recommends you use cubian-resizefs to expand the spaces.
One more thing
Cubian will have a desktop version soon, I am working hard on it currently. What i can tell you is it is really amazing.